Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Two students commit suicide due to exam stress

Two students commit suicide due to exam stress
New Delhi | Thursday, Mar 6 2008 IST
Exam-related stress claimed two lives in the Capital while a woman hanged herself allegedly due to frustration in her marriage.
According to police sources, 16-year-old Manju of north-west Delhi's Jehangirpuri hanged herself at her residence last night after she performed badly in her Sanskrit paper yesterday.
Manju, a Class XI student at a government school, left no suicide note but her family members said she was feeling low as her paper had gone bad.
In the second incident of the same district in Rohini, first year student Dolly (21) was found hanging at her Sector 3 residence.
Family members said she was finding it difficult to cope with the stress due to her forthcoming exams.
A student of SPM Girls College, Dolly left no suicide note.
In the third incident of suicide 23-year-old Sadhana from north-east Delhi's Karawal Nagar allegedly committed suicide due to depression as she was being forced to shift to her parents-in-law's house in a village.
Victim's neighbours told police that accustomed to city life, Sadhana, a student of BA (Finals) through correspondence, was married last June to Kaushal in a village she was not comfortable going to.
A resident of Johripur in Karawal Nagar, she was found hanging late last night.
However, no suicide note has been recovered, police added.


Summary of the article
The article above is about several incidens of student commit suicide due to exam stress, and another incident of a woman who committed suicide herself due to her frustration of her marriage.

The big meaning
The article above shows several commit suicide cases in India. As we can clearly tell that India is a very competitive society, that is why students have so much pressure due to study, because if they don't get good grades, then they won't have a successful future, and they won't be able to have a comfortable life. Therefore, students are been told this ever since they start school, and also from their parents and rest of the community, they carry a lot of pressure on themselves. Especially when big exams come around, that is the grade that may change their whole life, students are more stressed. If they think they did well, that would be a happy ending. However, if they didn't think they did very well, they might just go to an extreme where they can no longer take the stress anymore, and commit suicide. During an exam period, their physical and emotional health will be influenced, because they tend to study harder and for a longer period of time, which means less sleep, and this is how negatively an exam can influence your physical health. Also emotional health will be effected, because they tend to be very competitive and tempermantal during this period of time, because they want to be the best, but if they don't have the ability, they will get really stressed.

Personal meaning
This is the issue that I sometimes have to deal with, because I am at the same age as these kids, who faces a lot of important exams, and these marks I get do have influence on my future. However, I don't live in such a competitive society as them, and I have more choices than they do. Also I don't usually go too extreme though I don't perform well on some tests. I tend to comfort myself, and see this failure as a lesson, so I adjust my feeling, and try to be positive. However, in 2 years time, I will have to face IB or SAT, or other huge exams that will have a influence on my future. I don't think I can avoid a negative influence on my physical health, because my society is also quite competitive, so everyone will be competing. However, for emotional health, I will try to adjust, and not going to the extreme.