Monday, March 7, 2011

nutrition log


March 2nd (Wednesday)
  • Breakfast: milk, toast, apple
  • Lunch: chicken wrap, lime juice, brownie
  • Dinner: soup, rice, shrimp, eggplant, beans, carrot, fries

This pie chart and the table besides it shows the amount of fat, carbonhydrate, protein and alcohol I took on March 2nd. I can see that I have 31% of fat, but luckily I have more unsaturated fat then saturated, which means the fat I took in wasn't all bad. Most of my fat came from the sandwich I took, however, in total I didn't consume a lot of unhealthy fat on that day. I took in a lot of carbonhydrate on that day, which was 51%. It was from the sandwich, eggplant, rice and fries. The pie shows that I have 18% of protein, and it mostly came from my sandwich and shrimp.

The bar graph above shows the amount of calories I took in and the amount I burned. It is clear that I took less then I needed to burn, this means that some of fat on that day had been converted into energy for me to burn. I went out to eat with my friends on that day, therefore a lot of unhealthy food was consumed. Therefore, things like fries gave me a lot of calories, and so did the unhealthy sandwich I had at school. However, it is not a big difference of the calories eaten and calories burned, so it is not too bad.

This bar graph shows the different kinds of vitamins and minerals I took. As you can see clearly I have a lot things that I took too much of, for example carbonhydrate, but I needed energy for my show, therefore it was necessary on that day. I have a high amount in vitamin A, but I lack in Vitamin E. Also I lack a lot in calcium, so maybe I should drink more milk or take more diary product to increase the amount of calcium I take.

March 3rd (Thursday) p.s. during cultural convention, so limited food choices

  • Breakfast: milk, watermelon, donghut
  • Lunch: chicken wrap, lime juice, chicken nuggets
  • Dinner: pizza, soup, chicken legs
March 5th (Saturday)
  • Breakfast: roti, porridge, watermelon
  • Lunch: quesadilla, gatorade, chicken wrap
  • Dinner: satay, ketupat (rice cake), cucumeber, spicy peanut sauce

This pie chart and the table shows the amount of fat, protein and carbonhydrate I took on that day. This is reflecting what I ate on a weekend, however I was at school during cultural covention, therefore I had to follow a strict schedule while having limited choice of food. Most of my carbs came from my sandwich, quesadilla and gatorade. Since I had to have a lot of energy for my show, therefore I took gatorade to give me energy, therefore I had a lot of carbs on this day. I had more saturated fat then unsaturated due to the limited choices of food. Most of my fat came from the quesadilla and the sandwich. I consumed a little amount of protein and it also came from the quesadilla and sandwich, because the sandwich had all sorts of things in there, thereofre it gave me all sorts of nutritions.

This shows the amount of calories I ate and I burned on that day. I ate much less that I burned, which meant more fat was converted into energy to keep me up. This is all due to the strict schedule I had, and I had to sacrifice time to practice right before my show, I barely had time to eat, therefore gatorade was my alternate choice. I consumed less food, so less calories was eaten, but at the same time I had to burn even more, but the amount of effort and energy into my show is ennormous. This only happens very rarely, so it is too bad for my body.

This bar graph shows the amount of the different type of vitamins and minerals I took. I lacked a lot of vitamin E and fiber. Most of these things are under the amount I needed to take, except copper which was overly consumed. I think this is because the limited time and choices I had, it was a special day, because I had to sacrifice time for practice for my show, therefore it rarely happens. I had little chance to consume food, therefore these were under the amount I needed to consume

March 6th (Sunday)
  • Breakfast: porridge, fried egg
  • Lunch: roti, green beans soup
  • Dinner: rice, egg and tomato soup, chicken legs, beans, mater convolvulus

ComparsionI picked 2 very abnormal day, one is a half school day, which I went out with my friends to eat outside. I tend to eat more unhealthy and high carbonhydrate food, and it is reflected in my graph. The other day is during cultural convetion, where I had limited time and choice of food, and this brought a result that everything was consumed too little. If it was a normal week day and weekend day, I would have a better balance of everything. Overall, the weekday was healthier to me, because I had time and a wide range of food to eat from, though I ate unhealthy, but most of my fat was unsaturated, compare to this, on the weekend, I consume more saturated fat due to the limited choice. As well as I had to take alternate to give me energy, like gatorade, because I had very little time. However, the similarity between these two days is that I lacked vitamin E in both days, this means I have to take more green leafy vegetables.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jiayu. A good analysis of your eating habits even though the days were exactly typical.

    PH&A - 20/20
    A&P - 20/20
